Wednesday, January 11, 2012

We have our date....

The last time I posted I said that Broc was having a CT Scan done of his legs.We found out that his legs did not grow anymore which is great news as that means that he is stable.On the other hand our poor guy has been having a lot of pain especially on days that he has gym class in pre-school and even when him and Mark are running around too much.
His vascualr issues are really starting to effect his quality of life.He is also rolling his left ankle really badly and toe walking on his right foot.
We have also made some visits to the chiropracter as his back keeps going out of alignment and is causing him lower back pain.Who would have thought that a 4 yr old would complain of lower back pain.
With all those factors in play his Drs have decided that his Ilio-femoral Bypass Surgery will be on June 14th. He will be admitted on teh 13th to start all the preparations. He will be seeing the ped. surgeon on the 12th to look at his hernia that he has too.She will be fixing that too while he is under for the bypass surgery.
We asked too if they could remove his tonsils(that have regrown) while he is under too but they declined and said it was too risky.

We all decided that June would be a good month as it would give him time to finish pre-school and plenty of time to heal before he starts Kindergarten.

We will be seeing the Immuno Dr today again as Broc has been ill since I last posted with either strep or some virus.We are on a serious mission to get Broc healthy so that his body will be in the best shape to handle his surgery.

We have also brought his cardiac appt forward a month to make sure that his heart is doing well before surgery.
We are hoping to post some pictures of fun in the snow soon.Our weather has been truly wonderful but not for long.

Thank you everyone for your support and love.


  1. Wow. He is such a strong little boy and you are doing an amazing job at getting everything figured out and scheduled for when it works best. Glad to hear you finally have a date!

  2. Hope your little one gets better soon. About the occluded artery, were there any signs/ symptoms I can watch out for?

    1. Yes there are.I can give you my e-mail address if you would like to e-mail me
      Symptoms were leg pain in one leg only and a weakened pulse in the groin and foot.We have been told that we need to look for his leg to go pale in color and cold then things would be very urgent.
      Then we did an u/s of his veins and arteries and then it was found.It took a lot of convincing before anyone would take note that something was really not right.Then started the search for a surgeon.If you need any help with that please e-mail me.This is very rare.The hospital where we are going have only done 30 of them and they have done the most surgeries of this type.
      Thank you for asking questions.
