Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Day of surgery

Broc was really good this morning.He did really well with letting all the drs and nurses listen and prod him.

He was almost alseep when they took him back.I was really worried about that cause I was scared that he would scream when we left him but with the meds he was almost asleep.

He has been in for about an hour so far.

I will keep you updated as soon as we get any news.
He was in surgery for 3 hours and then 45 min for recovery.

He was really fiesty when he came out of recovery so they had to sedate him as he had to lay still for 4 hours and not move his legs otherwise his ateries could come open again.He does not like his IV's or his monitors.

He is playing with his monster trucks right now and his big doggie that Aunt Monica and her family got him.
He had a chest x-ray this afternoon and is having an echo tom before we leave to make sure his heart is doing okay.

we are hoping for a good night.
Till tom.good night.


  1. He sounds like a really strong little boy! So glad to hear that all is well so far. Hope you all had a good night. All our love
    Fouche family

  2. Broc seems to be a good little trooper! Hope you get continued good reports.
