On the day Broc turned 2 he woke up with a fever of 103F.No other symptoms just very warm and lethargic.That was a Sunday.Monday I took him to the ped and he did blood tests,urine tests you name it he did it.He then said that he was a little dehydrated and if he is not any better by tom bring him back.We went home and gave Tylenol and Mortin and then fever was still up there.He was drinking only a little.Tuesday morning we took him back and he was admitted to the hospital for high fever and dehydration.The did find out that he his inflammation markers her a little high bu could not find where he had the inflammation.He was in hospital for 6 days.They also did a test for mono and that was negative. We came home and then started the monthly sometimes weekly fevers.We would go for blood draws and the same thing.There is inflammation some where in the body but we are not sure where.
August comes and again a high fever episode.We called the card to let him know and he thought maybe there was something to do with his heart.He called the ped and next things we know we are off to Riley Hospital for a few days.We saw a card and infectious disease dr.They did almost every test know to man and dr.
All they came up with was that he had an EBV infection and it will pass by itself but could re-act again when his immune system is down.Broc continued to have fevers every month and still no answers.
As a parent you hate to see your little one like that. They are really ill and no-one can help you or give you any answers.
We went to Chicago hospital too and saw a dr there and all they came up with was another EBV infection.
So we have learned to live with his fevers that went away for a few months and then came back again.
December of that year we headed back to Riley to see another heart specialist which gave us wonderful news that Broc's heart was doing really well and his pressures were as low as 22 for a mean and 50 for the peak.She also explained that he has a parachute mitral valve.
We left there feeling very happy that at least his heart was doing well considering you cannot live without it.
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