Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Our trip to Mott

Yesterday we made the 3 hour long journey down to Mott for all Brocs follow-up appointments. We stopped along the way to eat breakfast at our favorite restuarant. I think Broc was a little nervous as he didn't eat much of anything yesterday or maybe its still the bacteria attacking his tummy.He is on meds for it so we hope they are helping.

First thing was his CT Scan. He layed so still they got great pics of his legs.

The news about his legs is they have both grown at the same rate but are still 1cm different. The great news is that his tibia (the bone at the bottom of his leg) has grown so that means the blood flow is really helping his leg.
Next we went to the u/s rooms to have his ankle brachial index and his graft done.Both are looking very good and we got great readings for his ankle brachial index.

We then went to find a snack and some drinks and then waited to see Dr E. We waited for a while.Broc was so happy he was able to watch a whole episode of Diego.

Dr E was very happy with his legs overall. He has finally been released of all his restrrictions. Broc is so happy that he can now go out to recess with his classmates and also take part in gym class. Unfortunately he may still have to stay indoors due to weather restrictions.

Dr E is a little concerened about his scar and the big keloid it has formed so Broc will be staying on asprin therapy for another 2 years.They are concerned that the scar tissue that is forming on top my be forming inside too and could cause some issues.
Broc will be starting P.T. as soon as possible too so that we can start strenghtening his leg muscles and get his to walk on his heels and not his toes.

We will continue to see Dr E every 6 months for follow ups until 2 years have passed and then he will re-assess his progress after that.

We also found out that the new issue that we are dealing with could very well be a complication from his vascular surgery. It is so sad that everytime he has a surgery to help him it ends up damaging something else.We will know more in 2 weeks once he has had more u/s's and imaging studies done.

The boys did really well yesterday and had lots of energy ......

but once we had been driving for a few minutes they crashed!!!!

Silence for mommy and daddy. Love it.

Thank you to everyone for your kind thoughts and prayers.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Discovering the Dinosaurs

A few weekends ago we took the boys to Chicago to see the Dino exhibit.It was a lot of fun and a major sensory overload.Mark had to pick Broc up and calm him down which took quite a while. I was really thinking that we would have to turn around and leave. Daddy has the touch.


 Mark wasn't too sure of this guy.He didn't look like Barney.

 Minning for gems and fossils.

What a fun afternoon.Well worth the drive.Mommy and Daddy needed a good nights sleep after that.

My little piece of Africa

Mark bought me this for a wedding present 9.5 years ago. In our old house we had no where to hang it and in our new house he never had the time to do it either. Since the boys and I were still in South Africa for another 2 weeks he had both the time and no distractions.

I came home to this:

It is so mesmorising and I love looking at it everyday.Sometimes its a little creepy and cause its licking its lips it looks like its about to pounce on you but in a gentle way.
Here are my 2 little African Boys too :
Thank you honey.This means so much to me.